Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Orange Leads FAQ Page Added

I have added an Orange Leads FAQ page here. If you have a question you would like answered for possible inclusion in the list, please ask it below under comments. I will do my best to answer it.

Note that this list will initially be based on actual questions from the live Orange Leads chat room, not the canned Q & A from Tim's robot. While the auto answers serve a purpose, the FAQ page here is designed to provide a more personal answer tailored to a real question.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Follow Orange Leads News On Twitter

Be sure to follow Orange Leads News on Twitter!

I also just added the Twitter widget to the side bar here on the Orange Leads News Blog.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Orange Leads Tip Of The Day

Attention Orange Leads Members: If you have not already done so I highly recommend exporting any leads you may have saved in the online CRM and maintaining your own backup data base.

It is also advisable to copy and paste all of your Orange Leads downline and maintain your own stand alone data base for them as well. It is advisable to keep this up to date on a regular basis.

The recent Orange Leads server crash and subsequent restoration to an April 2010 backup date resulted in anyone who signed up in the interim to disappear from your downline. Any changes to your Orange Leads home page also reverted back to whatever you had (or didn't have) there back in April.

It is important to take personal responsibility for your own business and control as many variables as possible. Just as it is important to backup you own personal computer in case of a crash, it is equally important or perhaps more so to back up your personal leads and downline data held on third party servers, such as Orange Leads.

Also, if you wish to be sure to keep in touch with everyone on your Orange Leads friends list, make it a point to connect with them on skype also and/or exchange emails or other contact info. I personally recommend using skype and creating a list for your Orange Leads contacts.

On that note, please add me to your skype contacts if you wish have direct access to me outside of Orange Leads. My skype user name is: herb_mason See you there!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Orange Leads Hosted Blogs Still Down

I am sad to report the Orange Leads hosted blogs are still down. Timothy L. Drobnick Sr. has told me via skype that the blogs were putting a huge drag on his servers and that he is switching to new servers.

Since the Orange Leads hosted blogs have been down for several weeks now, I have also decided to switch servers and go back to using blogspot for my Orange Leads News blog. Unfortunately the news as of late has not been good.

I know from monitoring your posts in chat that it has been frustrating for many of you who use orange leads to suddenly be locked out of your blog after putting months or even a couple of years, as in my case, into building a solid following for your blog. There are other ongoing issues as well, most notably the leads with phone numbers are missing the last digit, rendering them virtually useless.

I am hopeful that Timothy L. Drobnick Sr. will step up to the plate and handle these issues. I am extremely puzzled as to why he has not done so already.

It will take a little time to get this Orange Leads News blogspot blog up to speed again. I will do my best to bring you objective updates about Orange Leads as well as useful related information

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

YouTube - MLM: Do Most People Fail? by Tim Sales

This is an awesome short video clip from Tim Sales. I have said the same thing, only he says it better. Most people don't fail, they quit. Big difference.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Orange Leads - A New Business Opportunity Paradigm

Timothy L. Dobnick, Sr., the owner of Orange Leads, has reinvented lead generation for business opportunity leads. Imagine a world in which you have access to unlimited business opportunity leads and ads? Then imagine a world in which you can have even more exposure on a site ranked in the top 1% of all websites world wide, with unlimited leads and ads for a mere $198 per year? THEN imagine a world where you will get paid for introducing other home business owners to this new world?

I don't know about you, but I used to spend more than that per week on leads. I am not knocking paid lead vendors. There are some good ones like Cutting Edge Media, The Lead Store and others. The challenge is, most people looking to start a home based business are doing so because they need extra income. They don't, in my experience, generally have a lot of wiggle room to spend hundreds of dollars on leads while they are learning the process of success working with cold market leads.

Anyone who has worked cold market leads, especially generic internet leads, knows it is not for the thin skinned. People will deny ever having filled out the online form , though you are looking at their full contact information, complete with the IP address and date/time stamp showing exactly when they did. They are scared, they don't want to be scammed and they sure don't want to be sold by some heavy handed telemarketer type. So they have second thoughts, or in some cases, genuinely don't remember doing it.

After a few calls like that, most people don't have the staying power to get through the learning curve required to turn the corner and be profitable. What orange leads has done is take the financial risk out of the equation, essentially providing training wheels for the new entrepreneur. Now, there is still the psychology factor to deal with, but there is a much greater likelihood you will be able to help your new business partner be successful when they are not bleeding cash at the outset.

The impact of this is HUGE. Don't miss this. Your new business partners can learn to ride their new shiny bike with training wheels, without fear of falling on their face, for as long as it takes to learn to balance on their own. Think about that and let it sink in. What could that be worth to you?

And don't make the mistake I did initially and dismiss this as just another free lead scam where you sign up and suddenly discover that you are now one of the leads and find your mail box filling up with spam. Thank goodness I took a second look on the recommendation of a trusted friend. I highly recommend you do the same. It is absolutely free to join, and you can start pulling your free leads instantly.

Another huge benefit to Orange Leads is the public chat area. Here you can network with other like minded people and with every post you make, your website link and short little "Shameless Promo" appears next to your picture. There is also a link to your twitter account, blog, orange leads home page and more being added daily. All of this is searchable by Google. Stop. Did you hear that? All of this is searchable by Google. So now you have a high traffic website, searchable by Google, giving your opportunity online exposure that top companies pay thousands to achieve; and you can do it virtually overnight, for free.

Well, I don't want to write a book here. (That is coming later LOL) So let me shut up now and let you take a look at my home page. Poke around the site a little, I think you will like what you see. Be sure to check out the member testimonials and once you have registered for the free leads, drop by public chat and say hi.

To Your Success,

Herb Mason

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Orange Leads: The Perfect Storm

I would like to say a word about the role Orange Leads plays in my business. Having spent literally hundreds and thousands of dollars both purchasing leads from lead vendors and generating my own leads in the past, what we have here is "the perfect storm" for a home based business owner. I have to pinch myself sometimes when I think about the timing of what we have here at . . .it is truly remarkable!

Any real business spends tons of money advertising. Just look around you. Listen to the radio, watch TV or log online and what do you see? Of course, tons of advertising and most of it is NOT free, I assure you. While I highly recommend that you upgrade to a paid premium member as soon as possible, it is not necessary to do so initially if you need some time get your business off the ground. Orange Leads is a great community of like minded entrepreneurs and business owners who will gladly share their experience and know-how with you.