Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Orange Leads: The Perfect Storm

I would like to say a word about the role Orange Leads plays in my business. Having spent literally hundreds and thousands of dollars both purchasing leads from lead vendors and generating my own leads in the past, what we have here is "the perfect storm" for a home based business owner. I have to pinch myself sometimes when I think about the timing of what we have here at . . .it is truly remarkable!

Any real business spends tons of money advertising. Just look around you. Listen to the radio, watch TV or log online and what do you see? Of course, tons of advertising and most of it is NOT free, I assure you. While I highly recommend that you upgrade to a paid premium member as soon as possible, it is not necessary to do so initially if you need some time get your business off the ground. Orange Leads is a great community of like minded entrepreneurs and business owners who will gladly share their experience and know-how with you.

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