Orange Leads Top 5 Things To Do

Orange Leads offers a ton benefits well beyond the business opportunity leads. It takes a little time to learn your way around, but it is well worth the effort. Here are 5 basic things to do right away that will help you get off to a great start.

Tip #1: Set Up Your Orange Leads Profile ASAP

This may seem too obvious to even mention, but I include it because it is a basic building block that is overlooked by an amazing number of people. If all you want from Orange Leads is simply to use the free business opportunity leads, then go ahead and skip this entire post. But if you would like tons of targeted traffic to your site, you might want to keep reading. (Keep in mind that everything you post in Orange Leads is indexed by Google multiple times a day.)

Simply go to Edit Your Orange Leads Account in the drop down menu to the right of any page in Orange Leads, under site navigation. Fill is as much as you possibly can and be sure to save the changes. Your shameless promo and link will appear both on your Orange Leads personal home page and automatically appear next to every post you make in the public chat room.

Note that the full URL for your web site to show up in English chat and on your home page profile goes exactly seven boxes below the Shameless Promo box, which takes text only. (This seems to be a point of confusion for a lot of newbies.) Write a short sentence about your business in the Shameless Promo box and put the associated URL web address seven boxes below that.

Pay special attention to the About Me section. Notice there are two boxes under About Me, one will accept HTML and the other will not.

What you put in the HTML box will become content on your Orange Leads Home Page amd is indexed by Google. What you put in the non-HTML box is primarily so you will be found from the internal Orange Leads specific search engine, so be sure to use key words someone might use to search for you, your product or company.

Tip #2: Make Your First Status Post

From the Control Panel, make a post in the big white box where it asks - What Are You Doing With Your Home Based Business Right Now? (I will refer to this as a "Status Post" from now on.)

When you make a status post from the Control Panel, it also will automatically post to your Orange Leads Home Page, so this is the quickest way to add content to your home page. You may even want to do this first instead of second, so at least something is there while you work on your profile.

You can make a status post once an hour and it will fill in your Orange Leads Home Page in a twitter like fashion. Frequent short posts will be indexed by Google and raise your online visibility. Since Orange Leads is ranked in the top 1% of all web sites world wide by Alexa, this is an excellent way to piggy back on that high traffic. First, you will get free traffic to your web site and second Google will see you and raise your website rank over time also.

Tip #3: Place a Top Ad

Did you notice all the ads across the top of the page on the Control Panel? These all free ads that move across the screen left to right as new ads are placed. I would guess that only about 1% of people who join Orange Leads consistently place their free top ad. This is good for you, because you are a 1%'er, right? This means your ad will stay up longer and be seen by the other 99%.

To place your top ad, simply log in to the control panel and scroll down to where you see the option for either text or graphic top ad and place your ad. You can do it in 30 seconds or less. So why wouldn't you do it every day?

Tip #4: Place Your Permanent Downline Ad

When you scrolled down to place your top ad, you probably noticed a bunch of other ads on the way down. These are permanent ads from your upline, 15 levels up. Did you notice there is box there for you to place your own downline ad? This is your next task. What you put here will be seen by anyone in your Orange Leads downline 15 levels deep every time they log in to Orange Leads. In order for them to scroll down and place their top ad, they see yours on the way by. The same is true every time they log in to retrieve business opportunity leads.

Tip #5: Visit The Live Chat Room

Stop by the live chat room at least once per day just to say hi. When you do, assuming you completed step number one above, your Shameless Promo and link will appear next to your post. Note that you are not allowed to post links or talk about your business unless someone asks you directly in chat. (See the Golden Chat Rules.)

The more active you are in chat, the more likely people will become curious and click on your shameless promo link, which translates into free, highly targeted traffic for you. A word of caution here; if you simply spam you link and hawk your business, you will repel people away from you and your posts will be deleted by an admin as spam anyway. Simply be friendly and helpful in chat you will develop relationships over time that will result in new friends and business partners.

To get the most from Orange Leads, network with other members and take full advantage of the high built in traffic by placing ads daily and making a status post, before you call your first lead each day. That is the true secret to Orange Leads.

Feel free to post any specific questions you have below under comments and I will reply here so everyone will benefit from the dialogue. If you have a question you would rather not post in public comments, you may contact me directly via skype. My skype username is: herb_mason - Please add me to your skype contacts.