Thursday, January 13, 2011

Orange Leads Tip Of The Day

Attention Orange Leads Members: If you have not already done so I highly recommend exporting any leads you may have saved in the online CRM and maintaining your own backup data base.

It is also advisable to copy and paste all of your Orange Leads downline and maintain your own stand alone data base for them as well. It is advisable to keep this up to date on a regular basis.

The recent Orange Leads server crash and subsequent restoration to an April 2010 backup date resulted in anyone who signed up in the interim to disappear from your downline. Any changes to your Orange Leads home page also reverted back to whatever you had (or didn't have) there back in April.

It is important to take personal responsibility for your own business and control as many variables as possible. Just as it is important to backup you own personal computer in case of a crash, it is equally important or perhaps more so to back up your personal leads and downline data held on third party servers, such as Orange Leads.

Also, if you wish to be sure to keep in touch with everyone on your Orange Leads friends list, make it a point to connect with them on skype also and/or exchange emails or other contact info. I personally recommend using skype and creating a list for your Orange Leads contacts.

On that note, please add me to your skype contacts if you wish have direct access to me outside of Orange Leads. My skype user name is: herb_mason See you there!

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